Wow, how the last month has just flown by. 5 weeks in the Pentateuch and I realize more and more my need for Jesus and a deep realization of just how faithful God is. As SBS is more than half way over and thoughts of what is to come is constantly on my mind, I have to remind myself to stay in the present. Oh what a beautiful present it is too, I don't want to pass it up. I feel like God is really molding me and shaping me in to the Woman that He is calling me to be. I'll be the first to say that this is hard work. Its hard putting all your eggs in one basket. Its hard putting all your eggs in God's basket and giving him complete control of your life. But its sooo good. My words will never do it justice. As God has been teaching me how to trust him, I am realizing that He truly never fails me. They ways that he provides and blesses me doesnt always look like I want it to look but somehow he always does it in his perfect timing. I want to share with you a few things that God has shown me/ done for me in the last week.
So last sunday I woke up with a small pit in my stomach. Knowing that I only had $150NT left to my name (which is about $5bucks usd) I decided that getting a coffee with God in an airconditioning location was worth the majority of my money that I had left. I was in desperate need from some time away from my house and sometime with just my Father in heaven. As I got to sit down and really reflect on his love for me and really just trusting him with what I had left he was so gracious to provide. Continually on a daily basis the fact that I dont have my school fees is on my mind. I feel like even though God called me here I still have a responsibility to pay those. So needless to say God knows exactly what I need..I showed up to a prayer time that evening just really ready to commit myself to WHATEVER God was asking me to do so that I would be able to first and for most eat and secondly be able to pay my school fees. During worship and a time of just repeating over and over to myself "I trust you. I trust you....' God showed up in mighty ways. My school leader walked over and handed me a wad of money. I just started to bawl. God is so good and his timing is soooooo perfect. I was able to pay $200 of the $1000 that I owe for my school fees and I was able to have money for food for the rest of this month. Wow is he good or what!!!!! He knows. Only he knows. Its weird ya know because this whole experience has been pretty humbling. Its hard to ask people for money. Its hard to put a need out there that you have but I am learning more and more that the body of Christ was meant to come along side one another and help when there is a need. My thoughts and minds have been completely changed in regards to those who choose to support people in missions. That includes my faithful supporters. I praise you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening to the Lord. For hearing his voice and for partnering to advance the gospel around the world. That is the most important thing. Its not about me. Its not about what I can do. Only something like 5% of Christians get proper biblical teaching and the opportunity to share the gospel to unreached people around the world. I feel like God is leading me into this and I see his hand and how he wants to support me through this. It isnt going to be easy. It isnt going to glamorous at times but its understanding that this life was made for something more and really being a good steward of the things he has so faithfully provided me with. I feel so blessed that God wants to use me to advance his kingdom. I feel so blessed that my heavenly father loves me so much that He gave up the most important thing to him that I may be called his.
Today on the train as I was going to meet my friend Kelsey for lunch, God really showed me his love for us but the way that this little girl across from me was lying in her mothers lap. I just felt likt God showed me that sometimes he looks down on us and is just proud of us even though we arent really even doing anything. As I began to observe this girl and her mother some more, I watched her look up into her mothers eyes and ask her a question and she gently responded. God does this too for us. He sometimes moves our head into the proper position so that we can really just rest in his presence, much like this little girl was doing in her mothers lap. This was really just a beautiful reminder and I really felt the love of God surrounding me.
I could sit her and begin to tell you all the things that I need prayer for or the finances that need to be met, but I just dont feel thats what God is leading me to tonight. I want instead to leave you with a challenge...
Do you really have a genuine understanding of how much God loves YOU?
Are you walking in obedience to the things that God is asking of you?
I pray that you would be getting a deep understanding of the love and faithfulness of God. He is so gracious to reveal himself to you as soon as you ask of him. Thank you Father for the beauty you have shown me lately. I TRUST YOU.
God is good.
1 comment:
ahhhhh, i absolutely love that picture of the little girl with her mom. it's really significant that they are on a train, en-route. the little girl has such trust of her mom. she would never believe that her mom would take her to a bad place. she knows she is taken care-of.
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