Thursday, May 26, 2011


So i just had to post before I started to work today. Its been quite the week with 1Corinthians; all this talk of head coverings, spiritual gifts, singleness, marriage and everything else in between was starting to make my head spin just a little bit. Today was ministry day and it was exactly what I need to just confirm why i am here in Taiwan, why i am here on this earth and why I am a believer of Jesus.

We showed up at the elderly persons home today just as we usually do, My team and I have been more brave the last two weeks, learning a Taiwanese song, preaching the gospel, asking people to pray for them and really just proclaiming life over them. Today as we sang and hung out with the beautiful people there. I got to just stare into the eyes of this women below for quite sometime. It was almost if i could read what they were saying. Lonely, sad, glimmer of hope, thank you, the list goes on and on but just seeing those emotions so deep in her eyes made me really think about why am i here to do what I do, Its all for Jesus. It starts with him and ends with him. As i continue to just pray for this women that she would come to know this Savior that cherishes her so much, i just feel like she really just desires to be loved. To receive the one thing that we are to walk out in.

I realize that God's love is over flowing in us and through us and He desires us to have his heart and love the people around us like he does. Sometimes that means saying the hard things that we dont want to say but its standing up for truth, its being patient with those around us, its looking to the works of Jesus and living out life as he did. Its being able to admit when you are struggling or you need prayer. God is teaching me so much about his love for me lately and the way that I can love others.

As we continued to sing and chat and pray with the rest of the elderly people at the home, a man that Melanie was talking to seemed very interested in know more about Jesus. About what it means to come under full surrender and giving his life to the Lord. And he did just that. PRAISE JESUS. All of heaven is rejoicing that the lost sheep has come to its home to its shepherd. I am so incredibly encouraged to see someone not knowing about Jesus their whole life but then understanding his love and peace towards the end and getting to walk out the life that God has called for them even for a short time. God is good. soo good. ALWAYS.

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