Tuesday, October 26, 2010


As fall turns into winter and October into November I find myself here. Just Be. That's all I can seem to think about doing right now. It is a time of rest. For the spirit, for the soul, for the body and the mind. I would like to say that since I have been home amazing things have happened. To be honest they haven't. Well they have but they have looked different then what I have thought they would. I must admit. It sure is an interesting time. One of loneliness but complete contentment. Motivation and passion are knocking on my door and I find myself peaking out the window and letting the door slip open.

I must say that I am beyond thankful for the Blessings of my king. He is so good. He is so worthy. He is the freakin creator of the universe and I wouldn't want to serve any other God or any other religion. I desire the days of worshipping in my living room, on my bike on the way to work, blasting his word in the early crisp mornings at the coffee shop or just waking up and asking Him how I can bring Glory to His face.

Now don't get me wrong. Its a struggle. Every day is. I am learning more and more about the contrast between light and dark. About the world and the kingdom. About my fleshly desires and the desires of the King. Its amazing though. I am constantly reminded that Love conquers all. That Light always shines in the dark.

Romans 8:31-32 ' What then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all-how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

How can I not say AMEN! to that. Its beautiful. I know and take comfort in the fact that God conquers all. He is love and if love conquers all then he conquers all.

I love when The King speaks to me. It brings such joy and clarity to my life. "Know my Love, Bask in my Love, Show my Love Noel."

At the end of the day, It all comes down to the fact that I can Just Be. Right where I am, with the people I am. As long as each day I am pursuing the King and the Kingdom to the best of my ability. I think its a pretty alright place to be right now.

I will ask for prayer:
*A church community to be pouring myself into.
*The ministry I feel God is calling me too-loving on the people at IKE and my roomies.
*Peace and understanding of the grace and love of the Father.

god is love.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i've got a community that you can be a part of! =)