Monday, April 19, 2010

new day.

Ah so where do i begin,
Sorry that I have been a little distant the last two weeks. Its been really busy here. I dont really have time for much, and when i do, it normally consists of taking a nap, reading, walking to a coffee shop or working on my journal. My experience has been so amazing so far. I know i've said it before, and i will say it many many more times but...GOD IS AMAZING. Its so awesome how He is blowing my mind.

Last week our lectures consisted of God's Character and Nature. It was so refreshing to see our Father in such a new light. To know that the things that I might have blamed Him for in the past are not of him because there is NO DARKNESS in him. Its not even possible. Also just to learn and feel how much he really loves me and desires me...even when i don't desire him. Just so completely in awe of him and his works for me. Desiring to follow wherever he wants to the ends of the earth....

Sunday was by far the best day here yet...God just did a number on my heart and I felt the presence of God like I had never experienced before. So real, so true, so amazing. Plus a couple hours on the train and not to mention the BEAUTIFUL Australia beach!!! Ahh so nice. As I sit here now and think about the waves crashing in, I see such a beautiful picture of Gods love for us....As we stand in the waves, they keep coming, they dont stop, sometimes they are larger than others, sometimes they are soft. This is God's love for us. It never stops even when we want it so. We can fall into the waves and they can knock us off our feet but that is HOW MUCH HE LOVES US!!!!!

Its only tuesday this week, but as any other person who has done their DTS before knows, this week is thought to be one of the toughest, most challenging, most refreshing and most eye opening. We are talking about Forgiveness and Repentance...let me tell you. God has been working in me, only in one day...ha. But seriously. True Repentance.!!!!!!! I didnt realize what it could bring to me. I will try and update more on that later.

I have a few prayer requests:
*Financial Provision for Outreach Fees
*Strength and Rest in the Lord
*That i would experience true repentance and true freedom in Christ.

I desire my "house" to take on this verse:
Proverbs 24:3-4
'By wisdom a house is built,
and through understanding it is established;
through knowledge its rooms are filled
with rare and beautiful treasures.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeessssss! you are pure beauty! I'm sucha fan of you